Here are some of the pictures from our recent hike to Mount Humphrey, which is the highest peak in the State of Arizona. It was a relatively warm day with mild winds. Snow covered the trail in segments and was really more of a nuisance than a safety hazard. Total hiking distance was just over 10 miles and the total time was 10 hours, which I'm blaming on the snow (of course) instead of my physical condition.
Our little group met in Flagstaff, Arizona on Friday after work (for those of us who had to). Shan and I didn't get there until around 10:00 PM, and Shaun arrived probably 1/2 hour before us. We checked into a Holiday Inn Express, which I learned from frequent horn blasts was right off the train tracks. We ate a light dinner at Denny's and went to sleep at around 1:30 AM. Unfortunately I didn't need an alarm to wake up thanks to the trains that were passing every 15-30 minutes, and so I decided to get up and get ready at 5:30 AM. The continental breakfast started at 6:00 AM, which we all made sure not to miss. Shortly after we were on the road in Shaun's car looking for the trail head. After several u-turns and consulting the GPS, we finally found the parking lot where the trail head was located.
Just getting started. We finally found the trail head and started hiking at approximately 9:00 AM. The trail starts at an elevation of 9,100 feet.
Before long we found ourselves well above the trail head at 11,400 feet. The hiking poles I purchased were definetly needed beyond this point. I don't think we'd have made it otherwise. Lucky for Shan, Shaun had also purchased a pair of hiking poles, and he was kind enough to share one of them with Shan.
Much of the trail was covered in snow--not enough to prevent us from continuing but it certainly slowed us down to where we had to watch our footing. (Stab pole, transfer weight, move foot.) You have no idea how frustrated I was with the snow on the way back down!!
There were a few places where the snow completely covered the trail. I'd like to thank Garmin (and of course my mom for giving me the topography software for my birthday) for making this part of the hike possible...
Well above the treeline with only 1/2 a mile to go, I had to put on my windbreaker upon reaching the crest. I also realized later, that sunscreen would have been a good idea.
SUMMIT! 12,633 feet!
Upon reaching the summit a flurry of calls and text messages were sent to friends and family.
We sat at the summit for about 1/2 an hour and ate trail mix, fruit snacks, and jerky.
A southern view of Agassiz Peak and Flagstaff in the background.
Eastern view.
5.12 miles to the top. Total time (including stops) of 5.5 hours. It would take us another 4.5 hours to return.
On the last stretch of the trail. The car was within 1/2 a mile.

I was completely exhausted and ready to crash at the hotel.

I was completely exhausted and ready to crash at the hotel.
Upon reaching the hotel around 8:00 PM, we all cleaned up and went to Outback for dinner. On the way back to the hotel, we stopped at a convenient store to buy some Tylenol PM. I hit the sack at 11:00 PM and slept like a rock until 7:55 AM--just 5 minutes before the continental breakfast would be finishing up. And finally at 10:00 AM we checked out of the hotel and headed back home.
Good job, Jeff! Too bad we don't live closer or TJ could've gone with you. He would've loved it.
Hey Jeff. That is an awesome view!! Thanks for posting the pictures so we could see them! It looks really gorgeous from up there!! GOOD JOB!!
Well, we plan on doing King's Peak this year too, which would be right in your backyard and TJ would be more than welcome to join us if he wants.
Where is King's Peak at? And I'm sure TJ would have fun going. I'm assuming you will do it before the bad weather hits?
Nice! Hopefully we wil get Kings Peak under our belt soon as well. It will be awesome!
Great job guys! Hey if you really want to tackle a big mountain Grand Teton's are not to far from my house. You are invited anytime. Nice to see that Shaun is alive.
Idaho is definetly on the list; it's the 6th most difficult state peak to summit just slightly more difficult than Utah's peak (7th). But if you're talking about Wyoming, we won't be doing that one for a while since it's the 2nd most difficult just behind Mount McKinley in Alaska. We'll have to stop by and visit when we get in your area.
Jeff, Shaun, & Shan --
Way to Go!!!! The pictures are fantastic.. Hope to see all of you sooner than later..
Love ya Rachel
King's Peak is a GO! Scheduled over Labor Day weekend as follows:
Aug. 30 - drive to trailhead
Aug. 31 - hike to dollar lake
Sept. 1 - summit
Sept. 2 - hike back to trailhead
Sept. 3 - drive home
Shaun, Shan, Ed, and Jeff (me). If anyone else wants to join, let me know.
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